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Romeo gazed over the tantamount corner of the Dolor Amphitheater that was filled with hundreds of the town people, carrying with pride his transparent glaring dirty white Philippine long sleeve and simple rot jeans in tacked with black high boots. The atmosphere was in the zenith of excitement beyond felt, but it was still unable to ease the grief he felt as he remembered the last time he had been there.
He had courted Juliet right here on this feckle after his performance as tribute to the Father of the National Language. One year ago to that day. Juliet, dressed in her simple black blouse and white skirt, came to testify her sweet response “Yes, I do love you” through giving her soft pouty lips against him. Friends and schoolmates had witnessed their love, being fiancé and fiancée, as they hold hands and laughed at the sheerjoy of being young, in love and gazing each other on the Amphitheater of the school. They had seen the year blissfully stretching ahead of them, together forever, it was all certain, as they had thought then.
But that seemed such a year ago, a lot can change in just a few months –a lot of heartache can change a person and drive a wedge through the strongest ties, break even the deepest love one year to the day and had returned, though this time, for personal break up.
Romeo stood watching from the other side of the feckle. He couldn’t take his eyes of the curly dark- haired woman he saw sitting at the empty wooden bench, as though she was waiting for something or someone. She was beautiful with her slim figure.
Juliet sensed Romeo approaching even before she turned around. She had been aware of him standing there staring at her and had felt strangely calm about being observed. Romeo walked slowly towards her and they held each other‘s gaze. It felt like meeting a long – lost friend—not a stranger on a strange bench.
Later, gazing over the crowded Amphitheater sipping the local cocktail, they began to talk. This conversation was strangely hesitant. Romeo opened about his heartache of the past months. He held her of things that had been locked deep inside him, able to tell no one. He told her how he had felt after he had lost her.
They were about to step at the seventh month of the year, but that seemed to be the start of misunderstanding between the two. He was in the dilemma whether he would have accepted or not Juliet’s favor of quitting their relationship for invalid reasons. He pursued staying at his stake not to grant her angst, until he finally decided to end it for he could not have bear Juliet’s sake of happiness. He had preferred her to let go of him for he knew it would be the panacea of her pang of disappointed love.
Looking up, Romeo could see his pain reflected in the woman’s eyes. For the first time, he didn’t feel alone, he felt unbearable burden begin to lift from him, only a bit but it was a start.
He began to believe that maybe he had a future after all and maybe it could be with this woman with her kind hazel eyes, wet with their shared tears.
They had come to end their relationship, but maybe there was a hope. Romeo stood up and took Juliet by the hand and led her away from the wooden bench towards the Dolor Amphitheater where they had made their promises to each other one year ago.
Tomorrow he would set a romantic date as though that time for courting her again but tonight they would work on renewing their promises.
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